Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week 7 lesson

Lesson 7 Random Word / Image Association

Random word is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas though fixed formula.The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word to provoke a reaction from the brain.

"Chances come to everyone but not everyone see it because they not have the knowledge."
"Chances only come to the people who have knowledge."
"Without knowledge we wont find the chances"

We always have our motivation, just like a donkey have a carrot to make it move
     The Carrot of us may be is money or anythings.
...but how we get away from the carrot?

When to use it

..Use it to stimulate open and divergent thinking and seek creative new ideas.
..Use it to re-ignite creative thinking when you are running out of ideas.
..Use it to get people out of a rut when their thinking is still rather conventional.


How to use it

1. Find a random word

Find a random word that will be used as a stimulus for new ideas. You can do this in a number of ways, including:
  • Look around you. What can you see? Can you see any words? What about things? What else is happening?
  • Open a book at a random page. Run your finger around the page and stop at a random point. Look for a suitable word near your finger.
  • Ask the people you are with to give you a random word.
  • Select a word from a prepared list of evocative words (fire, child, brick, sausage, etc.)
Good random words are (a) evocative and (b) nothing to do with the problem being considered. Ambiguity also helps. Nouns are usually best, but verbs and adjectives can also be used effectively.

2. Find associations

Think about other things about which the word reminds you. Follow associations to see where they go. Think openly: associations can be vague and tenuous (this is creativity, not an exam!).
When working with a group of people, you can write these down on a flipchart as people call them out. It can be useful (but not necessary) to leave a space after each associate for use in stage 3.

3. Use the associations to create new ideas

Now create new ideas by linking any of the associations with your problem. Again, the linkage can be as vague as you like: what you want is ideas!
Write the ideas either next to their associations from step 2 or on a separate page.
If other people give ideas that trigger further ideas from you, then you can go off down that route to see where it goes.
As a variant, you can do stages 2 and 3 together, finding an association and an immediate idea from this.


I am seeking a way to reduce discomfort for passengers on trains.
With a group of passengers, we look out of the window and see a school.
Associations from school are learning, bullying, exams, playtime.
Ideas include teaching the rail company how uncomfortable the seats are, taking a firm stance in this, giving marks for different trains and seats and having games on trains so passengers do not notice the uncomfortable seats.

How it works

Random Words works in particular by making you go elsewhere for ideas, and hence pushes you out of your current thinking rut. It uses the principle of forced association to make you think in new ways and create very different ideas.


Week 6 exercise

In class exercises :
Step 1: Choose 3 pairs of number from (00 until 99)     e.g: 16, 34, 94

Step 2 :  See what is the word which the number shown    

Example:   16 = Flower & Spider   34 = Ice & Mountain    94 = Leaf & Mountain
I have chosen :
99 Leave Rain
18 Flower Wood
06 Fly Spider

Exercise 1:
Create an sentences using the two random words.
1.When he leave his house, the sky starting to rain.

2. The flower is growing on the wood.

3. Something Fly over me, I surprised because it is a spider.

Create A new Word using the two random words

Example :

1. Leaverain

2. Flowerwood

3. Flyspider

Exercise : Analogy

Love just like a chili,
It is look attractive and make you wanted to try it.
Love just like a chili,
When u try it, you will feel hot and spicy.
Love just like a chili,
Once u had hurt, you will not try it again.

Man just like a Mortar ans Pestle.
Have a very hard and strong outlook.
When they met problem,
They will try to solve it rather than escape.

Life is just like a candle.
It will be extinguish at any time.
Life is just like a candle.
It is very weak and vulnerable.
Love just like a coffee.
The first time you taste it's smell was very fragrance.
But when you drink it,
You will feel bitter of it in the halfway.
After you taste it very well,
You will fund the sweet of it.

How Merge Goes Wrong?

This is an exercise which we going to merge two animal together and form a new thing. 
But this new animal must not be live long because of some reason.
Example like : 
This is a merging of Lion and Kangaroo.
Because of the body of kangaroo make it harder to hunt an animal easily.
And lack of Food, It will die soon.

And This is Mine merging. 

This is a merging of Rabbit and Ziraffe.
Because of the rabbit head is too short, It can'wilt get its food.
It will be die instantly i think. XD